1 Digital Issue
Issue: 7003928_ouchi_chuukawo_pronoajinisuru_houhou
調味料や漬物ほか、さまざまな発酵食品の“旨味”を生かすのが、田村流・中国料理の真骨頂。豆板醤、豆豉醤、甜面醤に代表される中国三大醤をはじめ、米麹を使った天然発酵の旨味調味料、あらゆる料理に活用できる発酵白菜など、発酵食品の自家製方法&活用レシピをご紹介します。 発酵の力で「麻婆豆腐」や「ホイコーロー」、「チンジャオロースー」などの定番メニューの味を格段にアップさせる裏技や、プロの味を再現するポイントなども写... 写真付きでやさしく解説。よりヘルシーで、美味しさも倍増する「発酵中華」の魅力を、レシピを通して紹介します。 + More
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The おうち中華をプロの味にする方法 in its British edition is an all round magazine for the urban woman. Get the most gripping features on relationships and careers, with expanded reporting on fashion and beauty, health and fitness, published with glamour and guts. With its gutsy, intimate and blatantly honest articles on women issues, the Cosmopolitan Magazine is the ultimate guide for all women. Expect the magazine to help you with advice on personal issues, given from the industry's most influential women. Combine that with high street fashion must-haves from the streets of UK, stunning make-up tips, career news and intimate interviews with some of your favourite celebrities and you get an epitome of everyday women guide. One of the best selling magazines in our store, the Cosmopolitan UK is a must-have for all women and is available on various subscription offers at our store online www.magazinecafestore.com or in our store located in New York called Magazine Cafe Store.
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